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CyberActive's free training sessions: "Understanding Threat Modeling and Cybersecurity Basics" and "Network and IT security guide for digital services"

This training session is offered free of charge to companies and the self-employed thanks to FPS Economy - EU (NextGeneration EU) funding, while #CyberActive is a cooperation of the knowledge and research institutes Sirris | Innovation forward + HOWEST University of Applied Sciences + Université catholique de Louvain + Vrije Universiteit Brussel

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Quick facts

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    FREE 2-hour interactive webinar

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    Organized by CyberActive

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    May 6th, 10-12.15h

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    Presented in English

This FREE 2-hour interactive webinar consists of two different modules :

➡️ Understanding Threat Modeling and Cybersecurity Basics:

This first module offers invaluable insights to fortify your organization's defenses against evolving cyber threats:

• the fundamentals of threat modeling,
• cybersecurity best practices,
• the importance of certifications,
• the need for compliance in safeguarding organizational assets
• practical insights and real-world examples

➡️ Network and IT security guide for digital services:

Discover the essential strategies for fortifying your digital services through robust network and IT security in this second module:

• Dive into threat detection and mitigation strategies, tailored for safeguarding your digital infrastructure
• Explore the roadmap to securing your network, ensuring resilience against cyber threats in the digital services domain.

Register via the CyberActive website:

This Training session is offered free of charge to companies and the self-employed thanks to FPS Economy - EU (NextGeneration EU) funding

Register here to reserve your seat


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    Patrick Van Renterghem, Research marketing and communITy-cation

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