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Decentralized Autonomous Hackathon 2023

We successfully wrapped up our second Decentralised Autonomous Hackathon (DAH). Governed by smart contracts, this innovative event brought together our talented students from the Blockchain Developer & Architect and IT & Blockchain Consultant programs.

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Quick facts

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Energy Transition

With the crucial theme of Energy Transition, our students had the opportunity to explore topics such as sustainability, inclusiveness, sovereignty, circular economy, and provenance. They were guided and inspired by the coaching of experts at Fluvius. It's evident that the next generation of Web3 professionals is not only committed to the principle of "don’t trust, verify," but also to making a genuine difference in the world. Our students demonstrated their passion and dedication to building a better, greener, and more inclusive future.


Curious to see the more of this amazing event? Check out the OpenSea Collection and the front-end in the comments below. We couldn't be prouder of the exceptional work our students have accomplished!


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    Cesar De Greve, Creative Technologist

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    Shane Deconinck, Web3 Lead

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