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Enterprise grade EVM through Hyperledger Besu [ EthCC side event ]

Join us for a special side event during EthCC, organized by Hyperledger Belgium, focusing on enterprise-grade EVM solutions with Hyperledger Besu.

This event will highlight the latest developments and practical applications of Hyperledger Besu in the enterprise sector, featuring five insightful talks from leading industry experts.

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    If you ever wondered if enterprises should be looking into blockchain anno 2024, this is the place to be

An exciting programme

As the blockchain ecosystem evolves, enterprises are increasingly recognizing the potential of EVM-compatible solutions for developing robust, scalable, and secure applications. Hyperledger Besu, an open-source Ethereum client designed for enterprise use, offers a versatile platform to build and deploy smart contracts with high performance and reliability.

17.30 - 18.00 Registration & Networking

18.00 - 18.10 Welcome
Howest Cyber3Lab Web3 team

18.10 - 18.15 Introduction to Hyperledger Foundation
Hart Montgomery, CTO Hyperledger Foundation

18.15 - 18.35 Running Hyperledger Besu in the Enterprise: What’s New and What’s Next
Matthew Whitehead, Principal Engineer at Kaleido and Hyperledger Besu Maintainer

Hyperledger Besu has emerged as a preferred runtime for EVM-based financial initiatives worldwide, and in this session we'll show you why. We'll cover the technical aspects that make Besu an ideal solution for enterprise chains, its priorities for enterprise use cases, the latest enterprise-focused enhancements, and the enterprise roadmap for Besu in the months ahead. We’ll also give an overview of some of our latest performance testing.

18.35 - 18.55 Practical Privacy for Enterprise Use Cases on EVM
Jim Zhang, Co-Founder & Head of Protocol at Kaleido

This session covers an open source project that provides a toolkit for building asset tokenization use cases with a range of privacy-preserving technologies, including notary certificates and zero knowledge proofs. The different transaction programming models (account vs. UTXO) will be discussed, with detailed ZKP circuit designs that meet a variety of requirements in enterprise scenarios.

18.55 - 19:15 Merging the diamond proxy and beacon proxy for upgradable, size-unlimited smart contracts
Alberto Molina Arribere, ioBuilders

We tackled deploying upgradable, size-unlimited smart contracts on Hyperledger Besu or EVM-compatible networks. Initially using the diamond proxy pattern (ERC 2535), we faced issues with proxies needing simultaneous updates, increasing transactions.

Learn how we combined the beacon proxy pattern from OpenZeppelin with the diamond proxy concept. This integration allows diamond proxy clones to be managed through a 'resolver', storing multiple versions of facets, similar to OpenZeppelin's beacon. This approach streamlined our smart contract management.

19.15 - 19.35 Europeum: Building a European Blockchain Service Infrastructure on Hyperledger BESU

Daniël Du Seuil, Research Manager Howest Cyber 3 Lab and Belgian representative for the European Blockchain partnership

10 European countries have created a European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (Europeum) to further develop the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure (EBSI). The European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) aims to leverage the power of blockchain for the public good. EBSI is an initiative of the European Commission and the European Blockchain Partnership and is now in transition towards the EDIC Europeum.

In this session, Howest (EBSI/Europeum node operator for Belgium) will highlight the overall architecture of this network of European nodes and their capabilities for different use cases. We will also showcase how this blockchain infrastructure supports the European Digital Identity Wallet and its decentralized identity approach.

19.35 - 19.55 Alastria Red B: A Public Permissioned Blockchain Consortium on Hyperledger Besu
Miguel Angel Calero Fernandéz, Lead of Emerging Technologies at Izertis

Explore the innovative Alastria Red B, a public permissioned blockchain platform developed by a consortium of 500 companies and built on Hyperledger Besu. This robust infrastructure is designed to support a variety of use cases, including identity management, notarization, traceability, and diverse smart contracts. Join us to delve into how Alastria Red B is fostering collaboration, enhancing security, and driving advancements in blockchain technology through practical and impactful applications.

20.00 - 21.15 Networking
Connect with attendees & enjoy tasty fingerfoods and drinks served by Howest

Registration on Meetup.com required

This time we'll be in Brussels


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    Shane Deconinck, Web3 Lead

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