Successful first Hyperledger Belgium Meetup at Howest Bruges
Successful first Hyperledger Belgium Meetup at Howest Bruges
On November 30 we revived the Hyperledger Belgium Meetup group by organizing an event at our campus. Titled 'Web3 Evolved: The European Shift to Decentralized Digital Infrastructure', there was a specific focus on European projects.

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Quick facts
Hyperledger Meetup groups have an informal relationship with Hyperledger, and make up a key part of the Hyperledger ecosystem.
Web3 Evolved: The European Shift to Decentralized Digital Infrastructure
As our world becomes more digitally interconnected, Europe is taking a bold step forward, moving towards a future shaped by decentralized digital infrastructure. The meetup helped participants to understand this significant shift, offering clear and deep insights into Europe's journey towards a transformative digital era.
They learned about the rapidly growing Web3 sector, from the transformation of EBSI (the European Blockchain Service Infrastructure) into EDIC (European Digital Infrastructure Consortium) Europeum to the newest trends in blockchain-based copyright protection.
Fifty participants showed up for 3 hours of Web3 quality time split equally over sessions & networking time.
- William Schokkelé, our Academic Director for IT, set the tone for the event with a warm welcome and a passionate commitment to the world of Web3.
- Daniël Du Seuil shared valuable insights about Europeum, explaining theEuropean Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)in a clear and engaging way.
- We had a very last minute cancellation of a speaker due to a Eurostar train stuck across the channel, but thankfully Koen Vingerhoets from Fujitsu jumped in to deliver a session on Blockchain & ESG.
- And to finish with, me and my colleague Wim Van Renterghem discussed how we approach Web3 in Howest, and announced our new offerings.
It was rewarding for us to see the participants' mix of backgrounds & industries. As I told during my short presentation, we really want to bring all stakeholders together, as we see it as the only viable way to Web3 adoption.
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We'll be hosting more Meetups. You can find out about them by joining the Hyperledger Belgium community