Internship at Cyber 3 Lab: Four Future Cyber Security Professionals Take the Lead
Internship at Cyber 3 Lab: Four Future Cyber Security Professionals Take the Lead
In the dynamic and challenging world of cybersecurity, there is a constant need for new talents and fresh ideas. With that in mind, we are excited to announce that four students from the Cyber Security Professional graduation direction of the Applied Computer Science program will be interning at the Cyber 3 Lab research group at Howest. These four future professionals represent the next generation of cybersecurity experts and will each tackle a unique project within the broad spectrum of cybersecurity.

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Quick facts
Four Future Cyber Security Professionals Take the Lead
The first student will focus on a project around social engineering, a technique where cybercriminals use manipulation to trick people into releasing confidential information. In today's digital world, where information often is the most valuable asset, social engineering can have devastating consequences. This project will investigate how we can make people more resilient to such tactics, through education, awareness, and technological solutions.
Two students will engage with AI in CyberSecurity. In an era where cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated and complex, the potential of artificial intelligence to secure systems against these threats is a field with a tremendous amount of potential. This project will focus on exploring opportunities to use AI to detect and neutralize cyber attacks. We are curious about the results of this research and how AI can play a role in creating safer digital environments.
Lastly, the third project is about reverse engineering and hardware hacking, a technique to dissect and understand hardware. This technique is essential for every cyber security professional, as it provides insight into how hardware works and how it can be exploited by malicious parties. The student working on this project will gain valuable insights into how reverse engineering can be used to secure hardware and prevent cyber attacks.
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At the Cyber 3 Lab of Howest, we are excited to welcome these students and look forward to their contributions to the field. We are confident that their unique projects, under the guidance of our experienced professionals, will provide them with the practical knowledge and skills needed to be successful in their future careers in cybersecurity. We can't wait to see how they will apply their knowledge and skills to these important projects.
Gert-Jan Wille, Cyber Security Research & SOC Manager
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