Meet Howest at the Quantum Circle Summit on November 14th in Brussels
Meet Howest at the Quantum Circle Summit on November 14th in Brussels
As a partner of the Belgian Quantum Circle community I like to draw your attention to an unmissable conference on quantum technologies: the Quantum Circle Summit on November 14th at Spark Meetings Center in the heart of Brussels.
This Summit brings together all key stakeholders in the quantum ecosystem for the first time In Belgian history.
More than 200 quantum enthusiasts and experts from all industries will discuss long-term horizon views on the evolution of quantum-based technologies, practical use cases and business applications.
Register now for this Summit

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Quick facts
2025 is the UNESCO International Year of Quantum Computing (#IYQ)
The Quantum Circle Summit and what Howest has to offer:
As a partner of the Belgian Quantum Circle community, the Cyber3Lab research group of the Howest University of Applied Sciences would like to draw your attention to an unmissable conference on quantum technologies.
Meet Howest Cyber3Lab and many other partners in the quantum ecosystem on the very first Quantum Circle Summit, scheduled November 14 at Sparks Meeting in the heart of Brussels.
You can find all event details and registration info here:
Connect with 200+ quantum explorers and experts from various industries for knowledge exchange and co-innovation. Engage with EU and Belgian decision makers to drive quantum technology adoption and prepare for economical and societal impact.
It will be a great pleasure to see Julian Van Velzen, CTIO & Quantum Lab lead at Capgemini lead the conversation, together with representatives from Fujitsu, IBM, Nokia, Pasqal, Beltug, Belnet, imec, BOSA, BIPT and many others.
Come and talk to use at our table-top booth to investigate quantum innovation opportunities in research and education.
Let’s shape the future together!
What is Howest doing here?
As a University of Applied Sciences, we teach and develop the computer science practitioners of the future in many domains that will be influenced by quantum computing: cybersecurity, programming, AI, Web3, ... Hence, we follow this domain closely to make sure our education is future-proof.
Moreover, we research the practical consequences in encryption and cryptography, like PQC (Post-Quantum Cryptography) standards, crypto key distribution (Quantum Key Distribution) and SNDL (Store Now Decrypt Later).
Of course, many "friends of Howest" companies that we work with, are small and medium enterprises, so we have to translate the impact of quantum computing on their business. You can expect masterclasses and meetups to explain, demistify and illustrate quantum applications in an inspiring and understandable way.
To know more about these requirements, we would like you to fill in this "What is the impact of quantum technologies?" survey.
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Interesting Links on Quantum Computing:
- 2025 is the UNESCO International Year of Quantum Computing (#IYQ) as it recognizes the 100 years since the initial development of quantum mechanics.
- White paper "Let's Engage on Quantum Technology"
- NIST's Post-Quantum Cryptography Standards Are Here (IEEE Spectrum)
- Quantum Key Distribution Meets Post-Quantum Cryptography (IEEE Spectrum)
- Doorbraak quantumcomputing in zicht: ‘Rond de wisseling van het decennium’ (BNR podcast over QuTech in Delft) (in Dutch)
- Quantum Machine Learning and the Future of AI
- What is Quantum Computing (McKinsey)
- Quantum computing: What leaders need to know now (MIT Sloan)
- What is Quantum Security and how does it Work? (Quantum Insider article)
- Quantum Landing Page of the European Commission
- The WIRED Guide to Quantum Computing (Wired subscription reqWired)
- Quantum Computing vs Classical Computing (CB Insights)
- Quantum Computing Explained For Business People (4WeekMBA)
- Will Quantum Computing Be The Next Super Trend After AI? (Quantum Zeitgeist)
- Quantum Computing Companies: A Full 2024 List (Quantum Insider, slightly outdated)
For more information on our quantum computing expertise, please contact
Patrick Van Renterghem, AI, CyberSecurity, Web3, Quantum, ... Community Builder
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