Young tech talents experience a day as a programmer at our office
Young tech talents experience a day as a programmer at our office
Six enthusiastic pupils of elementary school De Tandem from Sint-Kruis had the unique opportunity to experience their dream job up close on February 25. They spent an inspiring half day at Howest, where they discovered how fascinating and versatile the world of technology and coding is.
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6 students experience their dream job
During their visit, the students attended a teaching moment on mobile devices, where they learned how apps and other digital applications are developed. They then visited the final-year students and researchers at Howest, who enthusiastically showed them what they are working on and what a future in IT could look like. Under the guidance of experienced teachers, students and researchers, the students were allowed to experiment with code themselves and got a look behind the scenes of the IT world. “We love introducing young children to technology in this way,” said Joachim François of Howest. “Their curiosity and enthusiasm were enormous, and who knows, maybe this visit has inspired them to pursue a career in IT themselves later.”
The students from De Tandem returned to school excited, with an extra push to make their dreams come true
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