DEP: Digital Credentials 4 Europe (DC4EU)
DEP: Digital Credentials 4 Europe (DC4EU)
Europe faces unprecedented changes, in which digital transformation and the green transition are fundamental elements for the future of Europe. The eIDAS trust framework is undoubtedly one of the pillars of the European Union, which has laid the foundations of identity and trust in the digital world. The revision of this framework extends its scope of competence beyond identity, encompassing the electronic attestation of attributes (EAA). Establishing the technical measures, processes, and procedures for establishing trust frameworks in sectoral areas will be crucial to the construction of a digital Europe.
In this sense, DC4EU will focus on identifying and applying all these aspects in the Education field, focusing on the issuance of educational credentials and professional qualifications, and in the Social Security field by engaging in the execution of the portable document A1 (PDA1) and the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).

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Quick facts
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Main objective
The Project’s main objective is to test interoperability and scalability in the national domain and multiple cross-border contexts, to provide feedback to the European Commission (EC) and MSs for iterative updates through specific coordination work packages, project management processes and tasks. The process will allow for comprehensive wallet testing using Qualified Electronic Attestations of Attributes (QEAA), Electronic Attestations of Attributes (EAA) and credentials, and their national and cross-border functionalities in a pre-production environment and correspondent use cases (UCs).
The European Digital Identity Wallet (EUDIW) will be a fundamental element of hybridization for cross-sectoral and cross-border use cases (identity, signature, educational credentials and social security). DC4EU will contribute to a new paradigm for citizens in the field of education and social security, which is fully aligned with the European Council requirements for identity and data. It will also adhere to the European Declaration on Digital Rights and Principles.
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Role of Howest
Howest is a pilot partner in DC4EU focussing on WP5 educational use case
To fulfil the large-scale piloting of the EUDIW, WP5, led by the Spanish Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation and WP6, led by Dachverband der Sozialversicherungsträger, Austria, support the business domain use cases by addressing the Architecture Reference Framework (ARF). This includes onboarding proceedings, identifying business requirements, implementing interfaces for credential issuers, comprehensive business process testing of the target systems and the evaluation of processes.
Shane Deconinck, Web3 Lead
Daniel Du Seuil, Research Manager Cyber 3 Labs
Robby Goetinck, Devops & Web3
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