EDIH Digitalis
EDIH Digitalis
The European Digital Innovation Hub DIGITALIS aims to help both groups of industrial companies. Traditional SMEs with the adoption of new digital technologies and tech savvy SMEs with connecting them in building up a competitive advantage in the globalized marketplace. Through our “ecosystem” service we will also bring together both groups of SMEs in order to create a marketplace for digital solutions and let the traditional SMEs learn from their peers.
The prime goals are:
- Increase the uptake of digital technologies on the shopfloor of manufacturing SMEs
- Increase the level of digital skills on the shopfloor
- Play an active role in the European network of Digital Innovation Hubs
- Actively contribute to the European Green Deal goals
DIGITALIS thus aims to act as a "one-stop shop" for manufacturing companies that want to digitize their products and processes. Our embedding in the regional as well as the European innovation landscape paves the way to provide the best available service to the SMEs. Although the focus of the EDIH is very clearly on the industry, several concepts, methodologies, and tools may also be relevant to public authorities. Where possible, we will also support these questions
The main objectives of DIGITALIS address the core elements of the call for a network of European Digital Innovation Hubs. We will support the digital transformation of EU industrial ecosystems, increase the level of industrial digitalisation, upskill the workforce and reinforce critical digital capacities. DIGITALIS will form the “gateway” to a set of services, technologies and knowledge which are necessary for this digital transition and will play an active role in the European network of EDIHs. We will thus actively support the deployment of digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity (focus of the hub).

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Quick facts
Digital Europe Programme: European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) Digitalis
Project-website: https://digitalis.europeandigitalinnovationhub.com/
Budget: 4,8 mil euro
Timing: nov 2022 - okt 2025
Call: DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01
Role of Howest
Howest is WP-leader for Skills and Training (WP3) and will elaborated with the different partners a series of masterclasses, training and webinars on innovative technologies in industry. Howest will also contribute to the WP2 on test before invest.
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Daniel Du Seuil, Research Manager Cyber 3 Labs
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