Proeftuin ICIL4.0
Proeftuin ICIL4.0
The Living Lab ICI4.0 has taught us that a translation of a legal text of a regulation such as the NIS should proceed in 2 phases namely we need to provide a management / business approach (provided budget) with the focus what does it bring to the business and a technology approach (use budget). A demonstrator as worked out in the Living Lab for an OT network is also needed to better understand the CS issue of connectivity between IT , OT and Supply Chain. The traditional Security-In-Depth solution is reaching its limits. New approaches such as Zero Trust Architecture need attention.

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Quick facts
Renewed Fictile Demonstrator
Digital Twin
Implementation of Zero Trust
There is a need for fully developed cases to demonstrate. There is a lack of CS knowledge among the companies. Innovations such as an ISOC (Integrated Security Operation Center) and AI-based intrusion detection systems (monitoring) need to catch the interest of both IT and OT.
Using the demonstrator (test facility) to explain and evaluate technical security measures at different business cases.
The version of the current demonstrator (fictitious tile factory FICTILE) will be expanded to include connection to the cloud , ERP systems , internal logistics modules and the supply chain. A Digital Twin version is also being introduced to simulate attacks on complex industrial and logistics networks.
Several business cases are being developed so that a lot of companies can recognize their own situation. New state of the art solutions such as Zero Trust Architecture are demonstrated and explained in a clear and understandable way.
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Gert-Jan Wille, Cyber Security Research & SOC Manager
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