Interreg: BLockchain IN Government
Interreg: BLockchain IN Government
The BLING project investigated, by combining the expertise of knowledge institutions and the playingfield of municipalities and governmental organisations together with businesses and citizens, what role Blockchain can be for governments.intro text bling project

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Quick facts
BLING - BLockchain IN Government - 14 partners working together on innovative customer services solutions
At the local, regional level there has been a large-scale digitization of services. In many cases, the introduction of digital processes was not accompanied by a reduction of administrative (paper) red tape for the citizen, trader, SME,... (government stakeholders).
The BLING project aimed to bring the benefits of digital transformation to the stakeholders. A consortium of knowledge and government institutions has been set up, through the use of blockchain technology, to transform public sector innovation into customer-oriented services
BLING aimed to:
- provide models to develop services with blockchain
- identify legal constraints and policy obstacles
- provide deeper insight into the right use cases to develop services with blockchain
- focus on security, safety, privacy and data protection together with consumer protection
- create awareness through events, tools and services
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Shane Deconinck, Web3 Lead
Wim Van Renterghem, Web3 Program Manager, Researcher & Lecturer
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