News about
#IOS Development

Create an NFT for the Day of Science
How do science and technology contribute to a better world?\nFind out on Sunday, November 26, 2023 at the Mind- and Makerspace Brugge and The Penta Kortrijk. Researchers, experts and students from Howest will take you into the wonderful world of science.
People that talk about
#IOS Development

Web3 Program Manager, Researcher & Lecturer
I am a mobile developer at heart, working on mobile apps since 2015. Ever since I followed the blockchain@home course at Howest in 2018, I knew I wanted to become a blockchain/Web3 developer. Since then, I have taught the same courses I followed, researched blockchain technology in the BLING project, and most recently have become the program manager of our Web3 courses. I am also focused on life long learning, most recently with a cyber security education.