Events about
#Networking Events

De Toekomst van Industriële Cyberveiligheid met AI
OT cybersecurity is cruciaal voor het beschermen van industriële systemen en kritieke infrastructuur tegen cyberdreigingen in het tijdperk van Industrie 4.0, AI en NIS2. Tijdens deze studiedag onderzoeken we de rol van AI in OT Security, en stellen we de resultaten van het project GAICIA voor.
People that talk about
#Networking Events

AI, CyberSecurity, Web3, Quantum, ... Community Builder
This boomer was born to learn, and has never stopped upskilling himself and others. His passions are digital transformation, data engineering, classic and generative AI, and fostering business innovation through emerging technologies. As a strong believer in Knowledge-as-a-Service (KaaS), he likes to raise the tech savviness bar for individuals and companies, and bring together people via knowledge-centric events and communities of interest.