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Projects about

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The development of a CO2 neutral energy system with less dependency on gas is a challenge at local, regional, national and European level. We feel the urgency to accelerate innovations and jointly create the conditions for scaling up, in order to make a serious contribution to a sustainable offshore energy transition.

News about

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Practical Insights for NIS2 with CyFun: Empowering Digital Service Providers

On March 4th, 2025, we hosted another successful session of our "Practical Insights for NIS2 with CyFun" webinar with CyberActive (Sirris). Participants gained valuable knowledge about the NIS2 Directive and CyFun, which is emerging as one of the primary standards for certifying conformity under NIS2 in Belgium.

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🚨 Exactly 1 Month to Go: did you Already Register your Company as NIS2 Entity? 🚨

For organizations operating within the EU, it's imperative to determine their applicability under NIS2, understand the necessary registration processes, and adhere to mandated incident reporting protocols. This first article provides a comprehensive guide to navigating these critical aspects of NIS2 compliance.

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Cyber3Lab in de Pers: Podcast met Gert-Jan Wille over de Groeiende Dreiging van Cybercriminaliteit voor KMO’s

Cybercriminaliteit is niet langer een probleem dat enkel grote multinationals treft. Kleine en middelgrote ondernemingen (KMO’s) worden steeds vaker het doelwit van hackers. In deze podcast leer je waarom cybercriminelen kiezen voor KMO’s, en hoe ondernemers zich kunnen beschermen tegen deze digitale bedreigingen.

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Increase your company's digital resilience with NIS2

NIS2 is a European directive ("Directive (EU) 2022/2555", adopted on 14 December 2022), aimed at improving the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure and digital service providers in the European Union.

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One month to go before NIS2: Is your company ready?

NIS2 introduces a broader scope and stricter requirements for every entity in the supply chain. It goes into effect on 17 October 2024.

Events about

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OT Security in de Praktijk - Meetup @ Howest

Tijdens deze meetup leer je hoe je jouw productie- en logistieke omgeving kunt beschermen tegen deze bedreigingen en hoe je direct aan de slag kunt gaan met effectieve OT-beveiliging.

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Free NIS2 Afternoon Seminar in Cooperation with Beltug

In the afternoon of May 23rd (13h30-17h30), we organize a seminar with several top experts in cybersecurity and NIS2, two very interesting case studies, and a lot of discussion and advice on how to prepare for NIS2.

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NIS2 in de Praktijk

NIS2 wordt een grote uitdaging voor kleine en middelgrote bedrijven. Daarom organiseren we een meetup op 23 mei bij Howest Brugge, waar je kan luisteren naar en discussiëren met NIS2 experten.