Projects about
#Artificial Intelligence

Digihub Project: Lambrecht Silo CoNNect
Lambrecht Constructie nv designs bulk tanks for the transport of various dry bulk products, including animal feed, grains and sugar. The family business, active for 50 years, strives for high-quality customized vehicles. The bulk tanks have a semi-automatic unloading system called "Silo CoNNect".

Howest Virtual Mirror Prototype
With the virtual mirror, people can very easily try on different clothes without the hassle of dressing rooms. Because the installation only needs one product picture of a clothing item (and a sprinkle of AI) it can be easily integrated with any existing clothing store.

Tetra: Metatec
Metagenomics or metagenome analysis is the study of all DNA present from an isolated sample and involves the simultaneous identification of multiple (micro-)organisms for numerous applications. DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to obtain the complete DNA of uncultivated microorganisms.

GAICIA stands for Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence against Cyber Industrial Attacks and is a Tetra project about today's industrial security and the possible added value that AI could bring to this.
News about
#Artificial Intelligence

Howest launches the third episode of the GAICIA podcast series
Howest launches third episode about GAICIA, where we do research on the added value of AI in monitoring OT networks to detect active OT security attacks. In this episode, Kyra Van Den Eynde explains the results of the GAICIA project.

AI - Creative colleague or dishonest competitor?
On April 23, Thijs Pirmez from Cyber 3 Lab will be a guest at the science café in Kortrijk where we will discuss what the future looks like with AI.

Howest launches second episode of the GAICIA podcast series
Howest launches second episode about GAICIA, where we do research on the added value of AI in monitoring OT networks to detect active OT security attacks. In this episode, Tijl Deneut dives deeper into the security aspects of the GAICIA project.

Howest launches first episode of the GAICIA podcast series
GAICIA stands for Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence against Cyber Industrial Attacks and is a Tetra project about today's industrial security and the possible added value that AI could bring to this.

AI Photobooth for bedrijvencontactdagen
The Howest communication department asked us if we could make a space themed AI photo booth for Bedrijvencontactdagen. We said yes. We teamed up with Howest AI Lab to create a photo booth that could transform people into astronauts. Anticipate the future with Howest.
Events about
#Artificial Intelligence

Decentralized Autonomous Hackathon 2024
Join us for DAH24, the premier event where technology enthusiasts, developers, innovators, and dreamers converge to shape the future of decentralized technologies and artificial intelligence. This 24-hour hackathon challenges you to explore the limitless possibilities at the intersection of web3 and AI

Verantwoorde AI Applicaties met de AI Act - Workshop op 19 juni
Tijdens deze interactieve workshop gaan we dieper in op de EU AI Act en de principes van verantwoorde AI. Deelnemers zullen praktische kennis en inzichten verkrijgen die essentieel zijn voor het navigeren in de nieuwe regelgeving en het ethisch inzetten van AI-technologieën op een verantwoorde en betrouwbare manier.

De Toekomst van Industriële Cyberveiligheid met AI
OT cybersecurity is cruciaal voor het beschermen van industriële systemen en kritieke infrastructuur tegen cyberdreigingen in het tijdperk van Industrie 4.0, AI en NIS2. Tijdens deze studiedag onderzoeken we de rol van AI in OT Security, en stellen we de resultaten van het project GAICIA voor.

Generatieve AI voor HR Professionals
Welke nieuwe mogelijkheden bieden generatieve AI tools ChatGPT, Copilot, Midjourney, ... in typische HR taken en processen? Leer hierover meer tijdens de meetup "Generatieve AI voor HR Professionals" op donderdag 22 februari (18-21u) in het gloednieuwe gebouw van Howest.
People that talk about
#Artificial Intelligence

Android & iOS developer, AI researcher
Thijs Pirmez is an Android and iOS developer, as well as an all-around AI researcher. He embarked on his technology journey as a self-taught coder, and from that point onward, he has never looked back. Primarily, Thijs works with the Flutter Framework for app development, but he also possesses proficiency in native Android development and front-end web development. As an AI researcher, he brings substantial experience in implementing AI object detection in mobile applications, along with a deep understanding of general machine learning and deep learning.

Academic Director cluster Computer Science & Technology
As the Academic Director of Computer Science & Technology at Howest University of Applied Sciences, William is dedicated to advancing education and research in this dynamic field. His focus is on creating an innovative learning environment that equips students for the challenges of the digital age. Our expertise includes Cyber Security, AI, Web3, App Development, and Systems/Networking. Prioritizing the wellbeing of the team, he fosters a supportive work environment for creativity and growth. Actively engaging in cluster cooperation, he cultivates collaborative relationships for innovation and knowledge exchange. Through this role, he aims to inspire the next generation of tech professionals and contribute to the technological landscape.

AI/CS Researcher, AI Lead
Kyra Van Den Eynde has a bachelor's degree in Cyber Security and one in Artificial Intelligence. Within Howest's research groups, she therefore mainly focuses on projects that investigate what the added value of AI could be for today's cyber security. In addition, she mainly has a background in computer vision, but also does general AI projects.

AI Lecturer and Researcher
Tibo Van Craenenbroeck is a researcher who has been inspired by technology since childhood. With a diploma in Multimedia and Creative Technology (MCT) and an educational bachelor's degree, he passes on his knowledge to the next generation of IT professionals. Tibo also conducts research into AI applications with a focus on reinforcement learning.