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Projects about
#Immersive Tech

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Digihub Project: VR furniture configurator

Digital applications bring not only opportunities but also challenges for companies. Help and guidance are more than welcome, and that's just what Voka Digihub does. With the support of Vlaio, among others, this platform offers advice, expertise and financial support to companies that want to digitize.

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Howest Virtual Mirror Prototype

With the virtual mirror, people can very easily try on different clothes without the hassle of dressing rooms. Because the installation only needs one product picture of a clothing item (and a sprinkle of AI) it can be easily integrated with any existing clothing store.

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EFRO - Manufacturing Excellence

Manufacturing Excellence 4.0 helpt productiebedrijven concurrerend te blijven door continu te verbeteren in kwaliteit, kosten, leverbetrouwbaarheid en duurzaamheid. Het project biedt mobiele en lab-infrastructuur om technologie ter plaatse te demonstreren en specifieke cases te valideren.

News about
#Immersive Tech

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Young tech talents experience a day as a programmer at our office

Six enthusiastic pupils of elementary school De Tandem from Sint-Kruis had the unique opportunity to experience their dream job up close on February 25. They spent an inspiring half day at Howest, where they discovered how fascinating and versatile the world of technology and coding is.

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Becoming a certified 3D scanner operator

Want to 3D scan spaces and buildings down to the centimeter for later use in your digital world? Then the Navvis VLX 3D scanner is your best choice. Researcher Cesar attended a 2-day course in Ostend to work with this 60 thousand euro machine

People that talk about
#Immersive Tech

Picture of Cesar De Greve

Cesar De Greve

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Creative Technologist

I am passionate about designing and creating interactive web applications with a twist and with an impact on the organizations we work for and society at large. I graduated with greatest distinction in Digital Design and Development at Howest. My studies allow me to gain insights in design (my creative and crazy part) and in programming and coding (my analytical part). The UX research brought me closer to understanding what customers really want and how they actually use the products and services

Picture of Jonathan Maes

Jonathan Maes

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Research Manager Business & Organization

Jonathan is research manager of the Faculty of Business & Organization and is passionate about helping organizations thrive through data-driven insights and strategic guidance at Howest University of Applied Sciences where we turn knowledge into action and never stop anticipating the future. Jonathan has an academic background in communication, new media and business analysis and professional experience in IT consultancy.