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    EBSI-NE is a groundbreaking EU-funded initiative aimed at expanding the European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) to offer a wider array of innovative services for EU businesses and citizens.

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    Proeftuin ICIL4.0

    The Living Lab ICI4.0 has taught us that a translation of a legal text of a regulation such as the NIS should proceed in 2 phases namely we need to provide a management / business approach (provided budget) with the focus what does it bring to the business and a technology approach (use budget).

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    Interreg: BLockchain IN Government

    The BLING project investigated, by combining the expertise of knowledge institutions and the playingfield of municipalities and governmental organisations together with businesses and citizens, what role Blockchain can be for governments.

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    Tetra: Innovative businessmodels for KMO's in de METAVERSE

    Het doel van dit onderzoeksproject is allereerst om in kaart te brengen hoe Metaverse en Web3 technologieën gebruikt kunnen worden om Vlaamse KMO’s in retail & product ontwikkeling vooruit te helpen.

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    ISOC Infrastructure

    The Security Operations Center (SOC) is an essential part of the "Cyber 3.0 Lab" research group at Howest. In this blog article, we would like to provide more insight into the installation, financing obtained from VLAIO, and other important aspects of our SOC project.

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    Interreg: Blockchain­4­Prosumers - BC4P

    The project name Blockchain4Prosumers - BC4P connects two elements: On the one hand the blockchain technology and on the other hand the prosumer. The blockchain makes it possible to make locally generated energy available through trading platforms or directly to other consumers and users.

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    INTERREG: Secuweb

    The Interreg project SecuWeb will focus on the applications and implementation of innovative technologies that lead to safer data use at companies and organizations. We address the sectors of e-health, industry 4.0, mobility and food, which are important spearheads for the economy of the involved regions.

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    Digihub Project: Lambrecht Silo CoNNect

    Lambrecht Constructie nv designs bulk tanks for the transport of various dry bulk products, including animal feed, grains and sugar. The family business, active for 50 years, strives for high-quality customized vehicles. The bulk tanks have a semi-automatic unloading system called "Silo CoNNect".

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    Tetra: Blockchain4SME

    The main goal of the research is to pass on the knowledge of blockchain technology to Flemish SMEs so that they can further digitize, improve, renew, secure and provide data privacy for their business processes.

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    The development of a CO2 neutral energy system with less dependency on gas is a challenge at local, regional, national and European level. We feel the urgency to accelerate innovations and jointly create the conditions for scaling up, in order to make a serious contribution to a sustainable offshore energy transition.

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    EDIH Digitalis

    The European Digital Innovation Hub DIGITALIS aims to help both groups of industrial companies. Traditional SMEs with the adoption of new digital technologies and tech savvy SMEs with connecting them in building up a competitive advantage in the globalized marketplace.

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    Digihub Project: VR furniture configurator

    Digital applications bring not only opportunities but also challenges for companies. Help and guidance are more than welcome, and that's just what Voka Digihub does. With the support of Vlaio, among others, this platform offers advice, expertise and financial support to companies that want to digitize.

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    Proeftuin ICI4.0

    Our living lab : Innovative Cybersecurity for Industry 4.0, with main partners the Howest and UGent, together with subcontractors Living Tomorrow vzw and Cyber Security Coalition vzw, will pursue three main objectives

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    DEP: x-Cite

    x-CITE - Expanding the Experience of Citizens through Extended Reality will advance the development of the CitiVerse as a tool for human-centric smart city transformation. x-CITE expand the experience and engagement of citizens through XR in the areas of urban planning, social engagement, culture and tourism.

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    Howest Virtual Mirror Prototype

    With the virtual mirror, people can very easily try on different clothes without the hassle of dressing rooms. Because the installation only needs one product picture of a clothing item (and a sprinkle of AI) it can be easily integrated with any existing clothing store.

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    EFRO - Manufacturing Excellence

    Manufacturing Excellence 4.0 helpt productiebedrijven concurrerend te blijven door continu te verbeteren in kwaliteit, kosten, leverbetrouwbaarheid en duurzaamheid. Het project biedt mobiele en lab-infrastructuur om technologie ter plaatse te demonstreren en specifieke cases te valideren.

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    DEP: Digital Credentials 4 Europe (DC4EU)

    DC4EU aims to apply the European Union’s eIDAS trust framework focusing on the education and social security fields. DC4EU will investigate the issuance of educational credentials and professional qualifications in the education sector and credentials in social security.

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    Tetra: Metatec

    Metagenomics or metagenome analysis is the study of all DNA present from an isolated sample and involves the simultaneous identification of multiple (micro-)organisms for numerous applications. DNA sequencing technologies have made it possible to obtain the complete DNA of uncultivated microorganisms.

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    EFRO - Vertiports

    Via dit project worden onderzoek, innovatie, testing en communityversterking naar BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line of Sight) vluchten met drones in variërende weersomstandigheden en over lange afstanden op structurele en geautomatiseerde manier concreet gemaakt.

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    ICON: Future Flemish Pig

    Unlocking the potential of blockchain technology in the pig production and processing chain based on improved transparency and automated traceability.

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    Tetra: GAICIA

    GAICIA stands for Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence against Cyber ​​Industrial Attacks and is a Tetra project about today's industrial security and the possible added value that AI could bring to this.